The Value of Time

  The first of two posts that I will be writing about my thoughts on money. The second half will be released on Thursday. I hope you like it.   The Value of Time principle is an important finance concept that tells us the amount of change in value between two dates, given an annual return. Using the…

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Spend some money

Financially Responsible You’ve probably heard some of these sentences about money. Be responsible with your finances. “ Are you sure you want to buy that? “ Think about other ways you can spend the same amount of money. “ You need to save more. “ This is the Venmo caption I sent to my roommate when we celebrated one…

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Alpha: A New Definition

What should I invest in? “ This question has been asked to me more than I can remember in the past year. This makes sense since I have a finance blog. Over time, my answer has evolved. In two years, I would’ve given you a detailed description of the SPAC that I invested in and why. I would have…

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Time isn’t money

Time is money. If a person can earn 10 shillings per day through his work, but spends sixpence on diversion, or is idle for half the day, that should not be considered as his only expense. He has actually spent or wasted five shillings. Ben Franklin Ben Franklin’s 1748 essay advice to a young tradesman, “Time…

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Leverage Your Life

As a child, I played all kinds of Mario games. You likely did too. You probably did as well. There was Mario Kart which put all your favorite Mario characters into a Grand Prix. A blue shell that was not timed correctly can ruin a victory. And Super Smash Bros is the greatest combat video game ever created. You’d be battling a Who’s…

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House Money A Casino Story

I am a poker player. I play poker a lot. The greatest game of all time is played at a poker table where skill, money, luck, adrenaline and probability are combined. I was in London last Tuesday with my friend Jake. We are both poker enthusiasts, so we visited the Hippodrome Casino located in Soho. Three hours later, the…

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