Dopamine Overload

It’s not internal bleeding, failed surgeries, or ineffective rehabilitation that causes the most surgical complications. The most common surgical complication is prolonged opioid use post-surgery.

This is not a surprising phenomenon. Patients are in excruciating pain after surgery. Doctors prescribe OxyContin to ease this pain. OxyContin relieves pain by releasing dopamine, which floods our brains with “feel-good chemicals”.

Dopamine is released naturally when we have pleasant experiences, such as eating good food or having sex. This process was beneficial to our prehistoric ancestors as it helped them find food and encourage procreation.

I couldn’t have made it without 200,000 years worth of dopamine-fueled sexual pleasure

The deer didn’t hunt itself. But OxyContin commoditized dopamine. We’re only one pill away our next dose of dopamine, and since we really, enjoy those dopamine highs, many patients continue to take painkillers even after they are no longer needed.

Painkiller addiction can be a serious problem. Dopamine is not only found in medicine. Other sources of commoditized dopamine include processed foods high in sugar, pornography and social media.

What’s your two cents worth? Social media is like the internet’s OxyContin.


In the past year, I’ve become really good at making videos go viral on the Internet.

This is how it works: I think up a ridiculous “hustle” culture scenario at least once a day, then publish the scenario on Linkedin, posing as financial or entrepreneurial advise. I will then post a screenshot from the Linkedin post on Twitter to get it going, since Twitter users know that I am making fun of Linkedin and that everyone hates Linkedin.

The majority of my readers laugh every time, as they understand that I am making fun of Linkedin’s “grind” culture, but the remaining 5% don’t get it and tell me angrily, “You are a piece of sh*t.”

The formula for maximizing engagement, without resorting cringe-worthy content, is to use finely tuned satire. I know that some people will openly criticize it when they miss the message. Loud minorities can be a powerful growth flywheel.

This engagement flywheel can often propel me beyond 1,000,000 impressions.


Going viral is cool. It’s amazing to get thousands of comments, likes, and new followers. My friends are always funny when they show me text messages from their friends asking, “Does this Jack Raines guy know you?” His Linkedin page is crazy. I can quickly grow my blog (and without spending any money) using viral social media posts. It’s cool to go viral, but there’s one thing you don’t know about it: .


The majority of social media platforms are free. However, nothing is truly “free.” You, as the user, become the product. Advertisers are the customers of social media sites that offer free services.

How do social media platforms generate more revenue? To increase the amount of ads they can show, social media platforms keep their users on the platform longer. They do this by pushing out content that is highly engaging onto our newsfeeds. This is why our timelines have a lot of memes, politics and hot takes.

Social media sites engage us on an individual level through Imagine the last time that you uploaded a photo to Instagram. Your screen flashes ” _____ like your You can’t resist clicking on the notification icon to see who

You can’t resist the temptation of checking the app after

You’ll soon find yourself spending half an hour every 47 seconds

This is not a coincidence. Software engineers and scientists have both achieved the same results. Likes on social media are similar to microdose

It’s all part of the cycle that encourages users to

Edward Wilson, a Harvard professor and biologist, once said

Isn’t it the truth? Human beings evolve slowly. Technology changes rapidly. We aren’t able to compete with the technology we Dopamine receptors, which kept our cave-dwell

As a writer, I can relate to this from both sides This is because writing requires deep concentration, which can only be at

Social media is the exact type of distraction which will ruin your flow Social media can be a slippery slope. A simple visit to to look for content to use Even though I know that this is all happening in my mind,

Social media is like the OxyContin on the internet.

I tried to resist it for a time, but I kept Instead of trying to conquer my social media addiction through sheer willpower

I discovered a website, called Freedom, a few months You can’t get to the blocked websites until the time period When I try to access Twitter or Linkedin on an impulse

It’s perfect.

I also deleted Twitter and Linkedin completely from my phone because It was simply unhealthy.

I was hesitant at first. I worried I would be left What if you miss a DM? I realized I didn’t need to be permanently If you’re worried about missing “important” information, call me. If not, you can wait until later to reply.

Dopamine cycle = escaped.


For the majority of human history we lived in a scarcity-driven world: Could we gather enough resources to make it through?

What now? There is an abundance of all things. We are drowning in an abundance of everything.

The ability to concentrate and avoid distractions can be a huge competitive advantage, especially when we have an almost endless supply of entertainment. You can’t stop your dopamine habit, but you can starve.

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