Same cards, different games

Dazzling lights Flashing signs Cheers to joy! Grumbles of disappointment. No clocks or windows. Just plenty of drinks. Every day, millions of dollars are exchanged through dice thrown, wheel spun, card flipped and cards flipped. Casinos have a unique character. What do you do first when you enter a Casino? You may love the excitement…

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$660M In A Day: The Big Oil Short

Financial markets in the last few years have been anything but usual. GameStop’s share price was $400 (pre-split). Nikola Motors briefly had a value greater than Ford. NFTs were valued at millions. The most crazy market moment of the pandemic period wasn’t a cryptocurrency, meme stock or SPAC. Sweet, sweet crude was the market’s most insane moment. The oil…

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Dopamine Overload

It’s not internal bleeding, failed surgeries, or ineffective rehabilitation that causes the most surgical complications. The most common surgical complication is prolonged opioid use post-surgery. This is not a surprising phenomenon. Patients are in excruciating pain after surgery. Doctors prescribe OxyContin to ease this pain. OxyContin relieves pain by releasing dopamine, which floods our brains with “feel-good chemicals”. Dopamine…

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Terminally Online

After reading a Washington Post article about American loneliness two weeks ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.   The tl:dr is that Americans spend more alone time than ever. This article contains some shocking statistics: The decline is similar when “friends” are expanded to include co-workers and clients. In 2010, the average American spent 15 hour per…

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Some Books That Changed My Life

. In a previous post, I said that “the things you’ve read and your experiences” are the two most valuable inputs to any writer. “ People often ask for book suggestions, and I am always asking for them. Today I want to share some books that changed my life. I hope you enjoy it. The Search for Meaning…

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Alpha: A New Definition

What should I invest in? “ This question has been asked to me more than I can remember in the past year. This makes sense since I have a finance blog. Over time, my answer has evolved. In two years, I would’ve given you a detailed description of the SPAC that I invested in and why. I would have…

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Leverage Your Life

As a child, I played all kinds of Mario games. You likely did too. You probably did as well. There was Mario Kart which put all your favorite Mario characters into a Grand Prix. A blue shell that was not timed correctly can ruin a victory. And Super Smash Bros is the greatest combat video game ever created. You’d be battling a Who’s…

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